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Having a single column to determine the validity of a value has many advantages over a two column (valid_from / valid_to) approach. 

  • no need to care about gaps 
  • no need to care about overlaps
  • simple way to prevent duplicates possible (unique constraint)

Therefore this is often seen in parameter tables or any other tables storing different versions of an information with a time range validity.

The problem occurs when you try to use the correct information in your queries.

Prepare test case:

Our test case has an application parameter table (key,value,valid_from) holding information about the tax rate of the swiss vat.

CREATE TABLE appl_params (
    param_name VARCHAR2(20)  NOT NULL
   ,param_value       VARCHAR2(200) NOT NULL
   ,param_valid_from  DATE          NOT NULL)

A simple primary key on param_name, param_valid_from is sufficient to avoid duplicate validities for one parameter at a point in time.

ALTER TABLE appl_params 
   ADD CONSTRAINT appl_params_pk 
   PRIMARY KEY (param_name, param_valid_from)
INSERT INTO appl_params VALUES('SWISS VAT','7.6',TO_DATE('01.01.2005','dd.mm.yyyy'));
INSERT INTO appl_params VALUES('SWISS VAT','8.0',TO_DATE('01.01.2011','dd.mm.yyyy'));
INSERT INTO appl_params VALUES('SWISS VAT','7.0',TO_DATE('01.01.2014','dd.mm.yyyy'));

To get the correct tax rate for a sale we need to find the rate belonging to the valid_from which is the latest before the sale takes place…. This is a rather complicated query.

WITH sales (prod, sale_date, price)
        AS (SELECT 'Product A', date '2009-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2010-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2011-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2013-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2015-07-27', 115 FROM dual)
 SELECT prod
      , sale_date
      , price
      , TO_NUMBER(ap.param_value)
      , price + (price * TO_NUMBER(ap.param_value)/100) AS price_incl_vat
   FROM sales s
       ,appl_params ap
  WHERE ap.param_name = 'SWISS VAT'
    AND ap.param_valid_from = (SELECT MAX(ap2.param_valid_from)
                                 FROM appl_params ap2
                                WHERE ap2.param_name = ap.param_name
                                  AND ap2.param_valid_from <= s.sale_date) 

To support easier and more intuitive queries we create a view which has an additional column param_valid_to. To populate this column we use the analytic function lead.

The solution underneath assumes that param_valid_to as well as sale_date do not include relevant time information (all date columns are truncated to midnight).

CREATE VIEW appl_params_vw
SELECT param_name, param_value, param_valid_from
     , LEAD(param_valid_from,1,date '3000-01-01') 
             OVER (PARTITION BY param_name
  ORDER BY param_valid_from ASC) - 1 AS param_valid_to
  FROM appl_params             

After having created this view, the query to find the appropriate tax rate gets quite easy.

WITH sales (prod, sale_date, price)
        AS (SELECT 'Product A', date '2009-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2010-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2011-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2013-07-27', 115 FROM dual UNION ALL
            SELECT 'Product A', date '2015-07-27', 115 FROM dual)
SELECT s.prod
     , s.sale_date
     , s.price
     , TO_NUMBER(v.param_value) vat
     , s.price + (s.price * to_number(v.param_value)/100) AS price_incl_vat
  FROM            sales          s 
       INNER JOIN appl_params_vw v ON (    v.param_name = 'SWISS VAT'
                                       AND s.sale_date BETWEEN v.param_valid_from 
                                                           AND v.param_valid_to)

If the approach is not fast enough we would also have the possibility to materialize this view which is, for a table like the parameter table where changes do not happen to often, not a bad idea.