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How to implement CONNECT BY features

ORACLE 11g release 2 introduced the recursive WITH clause as an alternative to the well known CONNECT BY clause.

This Blog entry shows how to implement all the CONNECT BY features using the new recursive WITH clause.

Cycle Detection

If the data contains a cylce the query would run indefinitely. ORACLE detects these situations and lets the query fail.

   SET mgr = 7499
 WHERE empno = 7839

  FROM emp e
CONNECT BY PRIOR e.empno = e.mgr
 START WITH e.empno = 7839

ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data

Recursive suquery factoring throws a different error code with a similar message.

WITH r_emps (ename, empno, mgr, lvl, path, root)
         AS (SELECT e.ename, e.empno, e.mgr
                  , 1 as lvl
                  , '/' || e.ename AS path
                  , e.ename        AS root
               FROM emp e
              WHERE e.empno = 7839
             UNION ALL
             SELECT e.ename, e.empno, e.mgr
                  , m.lvl + 1                AS lvl
                  , m.path || '/' || e.ename AS path
                  , m.root
               FROM            emp    e
                    INNER JOIN r_emps m ON (m.empno = e.mgr))
SELECT e.lvl, e.ename, e.empno, e.mgr, e.path, e.root
  FROM r_emps e
 ORDER BY e.sorting

ERROR at line ..:
ORA-32044: cycle detected while executing recursive WITH query


Since ORACLE 10g the CONNECT BY clause knows the NOCYLCE attribute as well as the CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudo column to ignore cycles and detect nodes with a connection to a node already included in the result set (cycle).

      , CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE                AS CYCLE
      , e.ename
      , SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(e.ename, '/') AS path 
      , e.mgr
  FROM emp e
 START WITH e.empno = 7839

LEVEL  CYCLE  ENAME     PATH                    MGR
-----  -----  --------  ---------------------  ----
    1  0      KING     /KING                   7499
    2  0      BLAKE    /KING/BLAKE             7839
    3  1      ALLEN    /KING/BLAKE/ALLEN       7698
    3  0      JAMES    /KING/BLAKE/JAMES       7698
    3  0      MARTIN   /KING/BLAKE/MARTIN      7698
    3  0      TURNER   /KING/BLAKE/TURNER      7698
    3  0      WARD     /KING/BLAKE/WARD        7698
    2  0      CLARK    /KING/CLARK             7839
    3  0      MILLER   /KING/CLARK/MILLER      7782
    2  0      JONES    /KING/JONES             7839
    3  0      FORD     /KING/JONES/FORD        7566
    4  0      SMITH    /KING/JONES/FORD/SMITH  7902
    3  0      SCOTT    /KING/JONES/SCOTT       7566

The cycle was detected at node ALLAN (CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE returned the value 1) and further processing of this branch is stopped.
The recursive WITH clause also offers a clause to handle cycles.

WITH r_emps (ename, empno, mgr, lvl, path)
         AS (SELECT e.ename, e.empno, e.mgr, 1 AS lvl, '/' || e.ename AS path
               FROM emp e
              WHERE e.empno = 7839
             UNION ALL
     SELECT e.ename, e.empno, e.mgr, m.lvl + 1 AS lvl, m.path || '/' || e.ename AS path
               FROM            r_emps m 
                    INNER JOIN emp    e ON (e.mgr = m.empno))
CYCLE empno SET is_cycle TO 1 DEFAULT 0
SELECT e.lvl AS LEVEL, is_cycle AS CYCLE, e.ename, e.path ,e.mgr
  FROM r_emps e
 ORDER BY e.sorting

LEVEL  CYCLE  ENAME      PATH                      MGR
-----  -----  ---------  -----------------------  ----
    1      0  KING       /KING                    7499
    2      0  BLAKE      /KING/BLAKE              7839
    3      0  ALLEN      /KING/BLAKE/ALLEN        7698
    4      1  KING       /KING/BLAKE/ALLEN/KING   7499
    3      0  JAMES      /KING/BLAKE/JAMES        7698
    3      0  MARTIN     /KING/BLAKE/MARTIN       7698
    3      0  TURNER     /KING/BLAKE/TURNER       7698
    3      0  WARD       /KING/BLAKE/WARD         7698
    2      0  CLARK      /KING/CLARK              7839
    3      0  MILLER     /KING/CLARK/MILLER       7782
    2      0  JONES      /KING/JONES              7839
    3      0  FORD       /KING/JONES/FORD         7566
    4      0  SMITH      /KING/JONES/FORD/SMITH   7902
    3      0  SCOTT      /KING/JONES/SCOTT        7566
    4      0  ADAMS      /KING/JONES/SCOTT/ADAMS  7788

The difference between CONNECT BY and RECURSIVE WITH cycle detection is that with RECURSIVE WITH the cycle is decteted after the next recursion level wass processed. The erroneous node is repeated and the cycle flag is set one level lower than the CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE pseudo column.